CEO Jonas Tunestål comments on the interim report
Uncertain world drives further price focus
Scandi Standard’s net sales net sales during the first quarter 2022 were MSEK 2,793 (2,469). The growth of 13 percent was mainly driven by the price adjustments that were made to compensate for cost increases, and positive currency rate changes. At constant exchange rates, the growth amounted to 10 percent Slaughter volumes decreased by 3.6 percent during the quarter. The operating income was MSEK 37 (88).
The significant decrease in earnings during the quarter was mainly driven by the continued challenging situation within the Ready-to-cook segment, where net sales amounted to MSEK 2,046 (1,938) and the operating income amounted to MSEK -2 (70). As expected, the earnings were negatively affected by lead times for the price adjustments related to the cost increases on input goods and energy and transport. Ready-to-cook segment in Denmark continued to report significant losses, with a negative operating income of MSEK -51 (-50) for the quarter.
Please, see the entire interim report: English Swedish
Jonas Tunestål,
Managing director and CEO